Committee Members
Executive Committee

Kat Filer - President
I have been involved in musicals since a child where my mother introduced me to Feilding Little Theatre. It wasn’t until I moved back from London however that I pursued my passion for theatre again.
Writing and directing a modernised nativity story for an after school club started it all. The memories and excitement of theatre as a child I wanted to bring back as the excitement of theatre as an adult. I searched out my old director Pat Snoxell from all the shows at Feilding, as I've always remembered all his shows were always spectacular. Speaking with him only fueled my passion to debut as director for Hutt City Musical Theatres ‘Little Shop Of Horrors’ in 2019.
I had been involved with Hutt City Musical Theatre’s production of ‘Once Upon a Mattress’ but on stage, and pretty much been living here ever since.
Richard Jonassen - Vice President
I've been involved in theatre for more than 10 years. Served on a few committees and mostly worked behind the scenes, either as a set builder, backstage crew, but my main role and passion is as a sound engineer. I've worked on a wide variety of shows like Joseph and his technicolor Dreamcoat, Annie, Sweeney Todd, Phantom of The Opera, Les Misérables and Chicago, among many others
I have recently been working on kids shows with HCMT which has been a load of fun and something HCMT excels at.
When not in theatre I work in the IT industry, currently in the science sector.

Chris Cox- Treasurer
I have been involved in musical theatre from a young age. I began in 2002 with my first Hutt Valley Gangshow with scouting and have currently been involved with 8 of these including assisting the Musical Director. I began to branch out in 2008 doing other community theater shows.
My first show with Hutt City Musical Theatre was Grease in 2008. I then did Footloose in 2013 where I got to play Willard and then in 2014 I did Chicago where I got to play Amos. This was the year that I was also asked to become treasurer for the society. Since then I have been Vocal coach for Jukebox live a revue musical, and All Shook up. I then stepped into the Musical Director role and have MD'D Be Bop A Lula and Little Shop of Horrors.
Since becoming the treasurer in 2014 I have implemented some tighter cash handling processes and finally have a invoicing and accounting system up and running. I'm involved with nearly every show HCMT puts on as Finance Manager, doing budgets and ticketing.
I am very passionate about musical theatre. I have a degree in Musicology from the New Zealand School of Music and a Degree in Commerce and Administration majoring in Accounting and Commercial law. More recently I have been involved in vocal coaching and musical direction. Apart from my time assisting the musical director in the HVGS and the times I have been MD for HCMT I have MD'D All Shook Up for Upper Hutt Musical Theatre and Phantom of the Opera for Wainuiomata Little Theatre.
When I am not involved with musical theatre you will find me in a trench or digger laying pipe as a drainlayer.
Hutt City Musical Theatre has a great family atmosphere and I am proud to be a part of this community.
Charmaine Hendwood - Secretary
I have been involved with music in many forms since I was quite young. I started off with dance (ballet, jazz and tap) before switching to violin, piano and singing lessons during my teens.
When I was 17, I got involved in my first show, with Upper Hutt Musical Theatre. I have since been part of the cast of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Guys and Dolls with Masterton Amateur Theatrical Society, Be-Bop-A-Lula with Hutt City Musical Theatre, Phantom of the Opera and Hairspray with Wainuiomata Little Theatre, and Little Shop of Horrors with both Wainuiomata Little Theatre and Hutt City Musical Theatre. I have also been involved in a number of cabaret style shows with both Upper Hutt Musical Theatre and Masterton Amateur Theatrical Society.
My dream shows to be involved with include Little Women and Thoroughly Modern Millie.
By day, I work as an analyst at Land Information New Zealand, working on land transactions such as subdivisions. This is a bit of a contrast to my qualifications, which is a BA in Classics and Criminology.
In my spare time outside of work, apart from theatre, I enjoy dancing such as rock’n’roll or Lindy Hop swing, baking and reading.

Hugo Van Stratum
Peter Benner
Shannon Cox
Kim Jonassen
Aaron Jonassen
Frances Carmody
Logan Matete